I’m going to give you the most important question for your job search. And no, it’s not the most important interview question (for that, you can go to CollegeGrad.com and find that question—and the best answer). It’s the question you should be asking yourself each and every day:
“What have I done today to move my job search forward?”
Why is this an important question? Because most job searches fail due to simple inertia. It is easier to do nothing than to do something. It is easier to put off till tomorrow what you can do today. So to get your job search working, you need to treat your job search like work. Until you have a job, your job search is your job.
When students ask me what they can do, today, to move their job search forward, my question to them is: “What have you done today to move your job search forward?” And most will counter, saying that is the question they were asking me. And I will counter that it is exactly the question they should be asking themselves.
In most cases, it is not for lack of job search tools, technologies or resources to move the job search forward. We have hundreds of thousands of entry level jobs and internships posted at CollegeGrad.com. We have free resume templates. We have thousands of pages on job search, from how to find the right career to writing your resume to interviewing to offer to close. No matter where you are in your job search, there is help to move you forward at CollegeGrad.com.
You may have heard the acronym ABC—Always Be Closing. In your job search, you have to always be closing. What have you done today to move your job search forward? What have you done to close on this step to move on to the next step? Always be closing.
A big part of job search is rejection, which is why most job searches are stuck in doing nothing. As human beings, we don’t want to be rejected. But the reality of a successful job search is that you may need to be rejected 10, 20, 100 or 200 times before you get to "yes."
But you only need one "yes."