Career Introduction: Esthetician
Graduates of esthetician training programs are skin specialists, licensed to massage, tone, extract, wax, and treat the skin of the body and face. They specialize in facials, hair removal, and diagnosing and treating problem skin with oil and lotion massages, peels, and masks. They also groom and tint eyebrows and can use electricity or light to treat the skin. Because they work with delicate skin, estheticians must keep scrupulously clean instruments, uniforms, and work spaces. They must be calm, reassuring and professional, and have confidence in their skills and knowledge.
How to Prepare for an Esthetics Career
Students interested in getting their esthetician license learn all they can about the skin while earning their degree. They should experiment with washes, lotions, and creams and take care of their own skin by staying out of the sun and avoiding smoking. The health of their own skin is a testament to their skills.
Educational Requirements for Esthetician Certicates
An esthetician certificate program trains students to clean, examine, and care for their clients' skin. Programs, usually completed in nine months to a year, consist of classes in skin health, conditions and diseases, waxing, and other treatments. After esthetics students have earned enough work hours to complement their instruction (this varies with each state, between 500 and 1000 hours), they are eligible for a licensing exam.
Estheticians often work in the following settings: hotels and cruise ships, private spas or salons and medical offices for plastic surgery or dermatology. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that projected growth for this industry through 2018 is much faster than average. On average, estheticians earn between $25,000 and $30,000 per year.